Prof.Dr. Fermin Espino Cortes and Carlos Tejada Martinez from Instituto Politécnico Nacional SEPI ESIME Zacatenco hav visited Turkey during Nov.28-Dec.6 2018. Turkish and Mexican team together discussed the developments in the project and planned the future tasks. Moreover, they have attended to ELECO have 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering ELECO 2017, November 30-December 2, 2017, Bursa/TURKEY. Finally, they gave two seminars at Kocaeli University
- Effect of Power Converters on the Electrical Insulation System of Medium Voltage Equipment, by Fermín Espino-Cortes ;
- Computation of Corona Radio Interference Levels in High Voltage Transmission Lines , by Carlos Tejada-Martínez
Prof.Dr. Aydogan Ozdemir and Asst.Prof.Dr.Suat ILHAN ITU have visited Mexica during May 28-June 6, 2017. Mexican and Turkish team together discussed the developments in the project and planned the future tasks. They have also gave a presentation titled Field Control in 380 kV Power Transmission System Through Grading Ring at Instituto Politécnico Nacional SEPI ESIME Zacatenco.