Corona Discharge Characterization and Electromagnetic Effects of HVDC Transmission Lines

This research is funded as a part of “215E262 Corona Discharge Characterization and Electromagnetic Effects of HVDC Transmission Lines” project under the framework of the “Bilateral Research and Technology Cooperation Turkey-Mexico” organized by “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TUBITAK” and “The National Council of Science and Technology-CONACYT”.


This project is therefore devoted to characterize the corona discharge and the electromagnetic effects of HVDC links. The presence of corona discharges is one of key technical problems of HVDC transmission, which still requires to be understood under different environmental conditions. Corona characteristics include analysis of corona currents and determination of corona voltages and corona losses. Electromagnetic effects are audible noise, radio interference levels. The project includes simulation and experimental based studies regarding corona characteristics and electromagnetic effects for several different conditions. Those conditions will include country specific cases for Turkey and Mexico as well as several technical configurations including single and bundle conductors, unipolar and bipolar configuration and conductor spacing. Most of the studies so far have concentrated on the transmission line performance alone. However, almost nothing was done for corona, AN and RI performance of the insulator strings. This study will fulfil this gap because a complete section of a transmission line, including the insulators, will be considered during simulations and experimental tests. Several tests will be performed both at a sea level (Turkey) and at high altitudes (Mexico) to account the effects of the altitudes.